Join Teams meetings from Zoom Rooms. Zoom & Pexip partnership

Version 26 brings a brand new layout that is now available as a tech preview for all customers. The new 1+33 layout is ideal for large meetings and prominently displays one speaker and up to 33 other participants on the sides and below the speaker.



The new 1+33 layout gives the spotlight to one group or participant and dedicated screen space for up to 33 additional participants.  


1-33 APAC session-1


Our APAC team tested the new layout during a post-meeting afterparty featuring our in-house DJ.


There are several improvements to Adaptive Composition in this release. Pexip has updated the way it treats meeting participants without their camera on and now displays these differently from participants that have joined with audio only. This count now includes meeting participants that are inactive or away from their camera.


Participants who turn off their camera or are away from their camera will now be represented with this symbol in the UI. 


These participants return to the screen more quickly when they turn on their camera or return to their position. This update gives a better visual overview of all active meeting participants. 


Organizations choosing not to use Adaptive Composition will also notice that participants using Pexip clients who disable video will also be removed from the layout. This means that more screen space can be dedicated to participants sharing video and results in a more natural and engaging conversation.



Improvements for Microsoft Teams CVI


Version 26 brings quite a few improvements for our Microsoft Teams CVI users. We’re happy to announce that we’ll be introducing a technology preview of Adaptive Composition in this release. The AI-powered technology ensures that everyone is framed perfectly while giving more screen real estate to groups or those that speak for longer periods of time. This layout provides a more natural, immersive meeting experience for participants.


Adaptive Composition update


Participants who dial in from a video system will now be able to see notifications when someone has joined and is waiting in the lobby. Both guest Teams clients and guest video systems will trigger this indicator ensuring you do not miss guests that are waiting in the lobby. New participants will need to be let into the meeting by a participant on a logged in Teams client.


version 26 updates for CVI



One-Touch Join is even easier


Invitations to Microsoft Teams meetings sent from outside of your organization will now be able to leverage One-Touch Join if the organizer is using a Cisco - Microsoft Teams integration. 


In this version, the team has also added the option to include the meeting password in the meeting link for Zoom Meetings so users don’t need to enter a password before joining the meeting. 


We’ve also made the Teams Connector easier to deploy and manage in Azure thanks to customer feedback. With Version 26:

  • You can now specify tags to apply to the Azure resources that are created for the Teams Connector. 
  • The redeploy/upgrade script now removes the dynamic Azure resource groups so this step is no longer manual when upgrading or redeploying.

In addition, for customer deploying Infinity in Azure, the nodes will now poll Azure for underlying hardware maintenance events automatically, and trigger maintenance mode on affected VMs and raise an alarm to ease customer support and understanding of hardware maintenance.



Pexip Health improvements


It’s now even easier for patients to join Pexip telehealth visits on Epic. Patients can now join meetings from a customizable and familiar link shared via SMS or email and the name of the appointment can be customized for patient comfort. If a call fails to launch, it’s now possible to provide custom information to help the patient troubleshoot the connection. 


The “break-in resistance” feature now has a few improvements, including a configurable allow list of known trusted IP addresses/prefixes that you do not want to be blocked.


do not block list


Infinity Connect clients now indicate if a user is video muted (or detected video muted with Adaptive Composition) or audio only in the roster list. The clients now can get a “raise hand” feature (already available for virtual auditoriums) by turning this feature on in the WebApp branding settings. In addition, there are new bandwidth options ranging from Very Low to Very High, where the default is Medium (up to 1264kbps).



The roster list now indicates if participants have their video muted or have joined as audio only. In this example, Alice has her video turned off and Bob has joined via audio only. 



As usual, this release includes general improvements in stability and quality including the following: 

  • Improved video and audio on browser calls in poor networks.
  • Improved resilience and quality of images for full-motion and still image presentation for Web RTC (now uses H.264).

For more information on all of the technical updates of this release, please visit our documentation site: 

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