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Find out why enterprise users rate Pexip #1

Independent video conferencing review

In a survey from Wainhouse Research, Pexip earned the highest scores for overall brand perception and customer experience out of 17 of enterprise video conferencing providers. 

Highlights from the survey:

  • 2,000 end users surveyed
  • Pexip ranked #1 by users aged 40 and younger
  • Pexip ranked #1 by users in companies with 500+ employees
  • Pexip ranked #1 by users who participate in regular video meetings
  • Pexip ranked #1 by non-IT users
  • Pexip ranked #1 IT purchase authorities
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Why does NPS matter?

Net Promoter Score (NPS), is an index for measuring how likely customers are to recommend a company's products or services. NPS indicates customers’ overall satisfaction and loyalty to the brand.

"This Wainhouse Research survey was based on Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology. Only those who have access to a specific application were asked to grade it, allowing for an apples-to-apples comparison between solutions, independent of vendor size or market share. Out of the 17 different video conferencing solutions evaluated in the survey, the Pexip solution garnered the most favorable brand ratings from respondents.”

- Steve Vonder Haar, senior analyst, Wainhouse Research

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