The video technology hub | Pexip

Simple steps to security | Pexip

Written by Patricia Stang Auseth, CMO. | Dec 18, 2023 1:11:25 PM

Some meetings require more protection than others. At Pexip, we make it easy to have secure meetings run side by side with your default meeting tool. All you need to do is click a button to keep data private and be in full control of who you are having the meeting with.


“We have grown accustomed to protecting our emails with various classification levels and passwords, and often, the same goes for how we store and secure documents. A video meeting should be treated no differently,” says Helge Hansen, SVP of Strategy at Pexip.  


“To meet the growing confidentiality needs of sectors such as enterprise, public sector, and healthcare, we have designed a seamless and secure video meeting experience,” he adds. 



Make a secure meeting an easy option 


Ensuring meeting security in any organization shouldn’t add complexity. At least, that’s what we believe at Pexip. It should be a seamless experience that puts the user in control of determining the nature of the meeting and who is allowed to join. Most organizations use Teams or Zoom for daily engagement, and they choose Pexip as a complementary solution when the need for privacy and control requires it. 


It all starts with the meeting invitation itself. When an organization deploys Pexip Secure Meetings, all the user needs to do is open an Outlook calendar invitation. This is where they face their first decision: is this meeting confidential or not? If the answer is ‘yes’, the user can select the ‘Secure Meeting’ button directly from the invitation. This sets in motion a new protocol for the type of video meeting regarding the security architecture and features enabled.  


“By putting the secure meeting option front and center, employees will be more conscious about the security required for their meeting – based on the meeting topic and type of information exchanged, or even who participates in the meeting. This is the first step to greater security awareness in organizations and putting your people in the driver’s seat to making security-minded decisions,” says Helge. 



Designed to keep your conversations private 


Pexip caters to people joining a secure meeting from inside and outside the organization by allowing the host to require a meeting PIN, followed by an authentication request. The meeting host can reject or accept participants based on customer directory attributes, ensuring they have the right to join the meeting. 


In addition, the organization can opt to embed a custom video playback before the user joins to convey a security message about the nature of the meeting, and an automated alert can also be created to notify participants that they are in a secure meeting and should be aware of their surroundings. The video conference remains locked until the meeting host unlocks the meeting, and the meeting itself can also be customized with the organization’s logo on-screen. 


“The Pexip Secure Meeting experience is a way to have your most secret and confidential conversations over video – making it crystal clear to the participants that this is no ordinary meeting,” says Helge. “For the organizer of the meeting, creating the secure meeting is as easy as creating any normal meeting invitation; however, it sets in motion a much stricter classification level and series of protective mechanisms for the conversation that’s about to take place.” 



Complete control over your meeting data 


Every video meeting generates a paper trail on the backend. Still, as Helge explains, an added benefit of Pexip is that it gives organizations complete control over the data generated from their confidential meetings. In Pexip’s case, complete control means having free choice to store it entirely offline, in a private cloud, or even in a sovereign cloud.  


Explore Pexip Secure Meetings and its simple and seamless approach to protecting your most confidential conversations to give your organization an option when classifying their video meetings.


Read more about Pexip Secure Meetings here;